Thursday, June 26, 2008

Karet Coffee Break 2nd Brewing

Nah, ini KCB 2nd Edition, temanya Stewardship. Layout nya simple, mengingat waktu pembuatannya pun singkat (hehehehe... as always, sibuknya mepet). Stewardship, kemampuan kita untuk mengelola sesuatu yang diberikan atau dipercayakan kepada kita. something remind me about what i have done in the last 24 years of my life, and what i'm going to do next... anything can happen right, and it's all about our you want to be good or bad...cos the standard is decided by yourself... "it's not how good you are, but how good you want to be." ~Paul Arden. Untuk My strawberry story, i'm always having fun making Mr.Froggy, the story about things that he likes, and his decision. well afterall enjoy our 2nd brewing...

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