The Choseners Team for Adoi ... (from left to right) Ayu, Jufri, Ijal, Mbak Devi, Pak Sahat, Mbak Runi, Mbak Niken, Mas Andy, Imel, dan Kiki ... Masih minus Mrs. Celina dan Mas Isky =>
There are places I'll remember All my life though some have changed Some forever not for better Some have gone and some remain All these places have their moments With lovers and friends I still can recall Some are dead and some are living In my life I've loved them all
But of all these friends and lovers There is no one compares with you And these memories lose their meaning When I think of love as something new Though I know I'll never lose affection For people and things that went before I know I'll often stop and think about them In my life I love you more
Though I know I'll never lose affection For people and things that went before I know I'll often stop and think about them In my life I love you more In my life I love you more
Meet me on my 26th ... (^_^)/ Checking on all the things that I've done ... Progress that I've made so far ... all the works, creations, ideas, sharing, all the things that I give to myself, my family, my company, my friends, and community and I give thanks to God... And the only thing that constant is my weight, still 46kg ... hehe
Have you ever thought about what protects our hearts? Just a cage of rib bones and other various parts. So it's fairly simple to cut right through the mess, And to stop the muscle that makes us confess.
And we are so fragile, And our cracking bones make noise, And we are just, Breakable, breakable, breakable girls and boys.
You fasten my seatbelt because it is the law. In your two ton death trap I finally saw. A piece of love in your face that bathed me in regret. Then you drove me to places I'll never forget.
And we are so fragile, And our cracking bones make noise, And we are just, Breakable, breakable, breakable girls and boys.
And we are so fragile, And our cracking bones make noise, And we are just, Breakable, breakable, breakable girls- Breakable, breakable, breakable girls- Breakable, breakable, breakable girls and boys.
When the rain is blowing in your face, and the whole world is on your case, I could offer you a warm embrace to make you feel my love.
When the evening shadows and the stars appear, and there is no one there to dry your tears, I could hold you for a million years to make you feel my love.
I know you haven't made your mind up yet, but I would never do you wrong. I've known it from the moment that we met, no doubt in my mind where you belong.
I'd go hungry; I'd go black and blue, I'd go crawling down the avenue. No, there's nothing that I wouldn't do to make you feel my love.
The storms are raging on the rolling sea and on the highway of regret. Though winds of change are throwing wild and free, you ain't seen nothing like me yet.
I could make you happy, make your dreams come true. Nothing that I wouldn't do. Go to the ends of the Earth for you, to make you feel my love
~ beautiful song ... written by Bob dylan ... and Adele sing it perfectly ...
For this wedding invitation work, I feel honor because Ko Daniel and Ci Elly trusting me to work on the design. It's my second wedding invitation design so far ... I'm so happy workin' on this project, and you guys are great couple ... Congratulations! Can't wait for the ceremony on 27th June 2009 ... (^o^)/
Buat semua pencinta True Worshippers, this album really helps me a lot today ... recharge! after doing bunch of works (-_-')\ Dibuka dengan riuh "Kau Allah yang Kudus", it's a great song ... next "Sukacita Surga" the happy song ... Halleluyaaa ... and my favourites: "Kau Kekuatanku", "Worthy is the Lamb" and "Captivated"... Awesome! Our God is awesome!
Track List: 01.Kau Allah yang Kudus 02.Sukacita Surga 03.Betapa Hebat 04.I Will Bless The Lord 05.Kaulah Segalanya 06.Saat Kusembah-Mu 07.Great and Mighty 08.Captivated 09.Worthy is The Lamb 10.Kau Kekuatanku 11.Holy Holy God Almighty 12.Maha Kuasa Maha Mulia
“Semua yang benar, semua yang mulia, semua yang adil, semua yang suci, semua yang manis, semua yang sedap didengar, semua yang disebut kebajikan dan patut dipuji, pikirkanlah semuanya itu."
Filipi 4:8
Helloooo meet "Happiness", specially designed for Ci Christine, on her birthday, 4th June 2009... Look at that face ... make me smile whenever I saw it ... hahaha ... it's trully happiness, and it's contagious ... Happy Birthday Ci Christine ... (^o^)/
How can bad things and miserable things that happen in our life drag us deeply in loneliness, sadness feeling and painfullness and make us feel exhausted?
Well, I guess we have to stop it right away, don’t let those problems drag you down ...
let go off those miserable feelings ... and trying to be happy ... and take a break!
Think about this ...
We never know if someday we could be on this stage, to face this problem ...
Maybe it could make us hurt... it could be worse than our thoughts ... there’s so many possibilities ... Instead of making some worries and fears out of nowhere ... Maybe we just have to face it ... to learn something from it ... and if you’re facing problems right now, be thankful that God still believe in you that you can be a winner out of it ... (ingat Ayub)
Well God ... take us higher than ...
take us to the place that we don’t know anything ...
to cross our limits, to a place that we can admit that You’re God ...
Our Saviour ... Our Redeemer ... and let me be change ... to a better person ...
How greatest is the universe? How can we reach universe in ourselves?
Listen we dont know but we learn. We try to get through all the blitz, the kick and the rush of the hardest things. Maybe if we could only have more than two eyes of ours, we could see more than what we can see right now...
Or if only we have more than two hands of ours, we could hold on to everything and never loose a thing. But never regret it, its all been calculated by God, that we only need a pair of eye and a pair of hand and a pair of leg and a pair of ear....Be thankful of that...
'Cause love cannot dwell alone ...
woman is all about receiving and more of that as a conceiver ...
man is all about giving ...
love is all about giving ...
and above all "to be single should be the goal of every person" ~ "Single Forever" by Ps. Jeffrey Rachmat.
How many of you meet something that you think it's impossible and stop doing it? I'm gonna tell you, stop that behaviour once and for all, cos you'll never go anywhere further than you are right now! Cos the most ultimate challenge that you have to face whenever you try to cross the impossible is YOURSELF ...
Hari ini Hari Ibu Kita Kartini! Terima kasih buat Ibu Kita Kartini yang membuat kita mengingat lagi jasa-jasa seorang perempuan ... Sedikit effort untuk memperingati dan menghormati Ibu Kita Kartini ini gw pake rok batik. Ada rasa senang karena tampil beda (abis setiap hari ber-jeans ria) ... tapi emang yah, kadang kalo lagi senang - senang, pasti aja ada cobaan ... Ceritanya begini ... pas mau berangkat gw sedikit mempertimbangkan apa naik taksi atau naik angkot, hmm tapi dasar bandel, dan sok merasa nasionalisme plus alasan berhemat, gw akhirnya naik angkot seperti hari-hari biasa ... sedikit penjelasan mengenai rute perjalanan gw untuk sampe ke kantor: Dari kos gw jalan kaki dulu sampe ke jalan casablanca, dari situ gw naik angkot 44 sampe jembatan, trus jalan kaki dikit, trus baru naik busway, dari busway gw jalan dikit sampe kantor ...
Nah, cerita dimulai dari keluar kos, masih pede, karena masih wangi, rapi, rambut tertata, plus rok batik pula yang berkibar2, baru jalan dikit aja, udah diliatin tukang - tukang ojek --> serius pada nawarin naik ojek padahal mereka udah tahu gw gak pernah naik ojek kalo pagi ... abis itu gw jalan kaki sampe jalan casablanca, for your info, ini jalan kalo pagi tuh rameeee bgt dan sangat susah kalo mau nyeberang, tapi entah karena efek rok batik berkibar-kibar tadi, kayaknya hari ini gampang banget gw nyeberang, alias mobil - mobil berkenan untuk memberi gw jalan hahaha ... nah kesenangan gw mulai ada tantangannya ... untuk naik angkot 44, si supir angkot kadang gak pake mikir dalam hal berhenti, menaikkan dan menurunkan penumpang, alhasil angkot 44 yang mau gw naikin hari ini, stop di tengah jalan, dan menyebabkan kemacetan, dan klakson dari berbagai macam kendaraan, busyettt dehh, berarti kan gw harus ke tengah jalan dan harus secepat kilat naik ke angkot sebelum orang lain emosiiii, dan karena gw pake rok batik lebar dan berkibar - kibar, gw milih duduk di paling depan karena di belakang angkotnya udah penuh, rada ribet karena gw harus betulin kibaran rok gw supaya gak terimpit pintu aarrrghh ... sesampainya di jembatan, gw bayar angkot Rp2000, dan anehnya si supir nanya "neng dari mana?" dengan senyum anehhhhhh untuk ukuran seorang supir angkot, pikir gw ... "gw kan udah bayar sesuai dengan jarak dan uang pas, ngapain lagi tuh supir nanya2, gw jawab "dari karet pak" trus si supir mulai lagi senyum anehhhhh ... iiii apa sih maunya .... aneh!
Setelah turun di jembatan, gw jalan kaki lagi utk sampe ke busway ... gw perhatiin kagak ada satupun cewek yang pake batik, untuk cowok nya ada satu bapak-bapak yang pake kemeja batik... udah that's it ... hmm benernya orang - orang pada ngeh gak sih hari ini Hari Ibu Kita Kartini! Lanjuttt ... Untuk sampe ke busway, gw naik jembatan penyeberangan, dan seperti biasa rame bgt dgn orang-orang yang mau berangkat kerja ... nah buat yang jarang jalan kaki dan naik kendaraan umum harap diketahui kalo orang -orang kalo di pagi hari tampangnya gak ada yang menyenangkan, semuanya pasang muka suram, dan berjalan dengan cepat semi berlari ... back to my story, gw perhatiin, ada beberapa orang yang merhatiin gw dan rok berkibar - kibar gw, jenisnya adalah sbb: 1. wanita dengan kemeja rapi dan bermake up melihat gw dgn pandangan sinis 2. laki - laki dengan kemeja rapi dan rambut cepak melihat gw dgn sedikit tersenyum ada juga yang cuman ngeliatin doang dan gak jelas ekspresinya mau senyum atau mau kaget ... 3. bapak - bapak, nah kalo jenis ini entah kenapa semuanya pada merhatiin gw, dan kebanyakan memberikan senyum bersahaja --> halah halahhh .... =>
Lanjut cerita perjalanan gw, sesampainya di loket busway, merasa senang karena mbak - mbak penjaga loketnya pada pake baju kebaya, ikut merayakan Hari Ibu Kita Kartini atau emang diharuskan pake kebaya yah ... abis dari loket, gw naik busway ke arah Blok M ... mulai tantangan lagi ... tadi busway nya penuuuuhhh sesaaakkk, sampai halte Bunderan Senayan, gw baru kebagian tempat duduk, baru bisa bernapas lega ... sesampainya di halte Masjid Agung, gw jalan kaki lagi untuk sampai kantor ... sesampainya di kantor, gw disambut oleh satpam gw dengan senyuman, "Pagi Mbak Imel, wah tampilan baru nih!", gw cuman bilang "iyaaaa, hari ini kan hari Kartini!"
Buat teman - teman yang ber-rok batik kibar - kibar dan berkebaya hari ini, Salam Ibu Kita Kartini yah, walaupun ribet tapi gak apa apalah demi memperingati perjuangan Ibu Kartini yang tiada taranya ... (^o^)/
"We are Special Edition", kata-kata Ps Jeffrey ini terus gw pikirin dari sejak kemaren di gereja. Diibaratkan barang, kita itu special package nya Tuhan, dan cuman satu-satunya di muka bumi ini. Tiba2 gw kembali merasa tertantang (as always setiap kali denger khotbah di JPCC pasti lu bakal merasa tertantang) gw pikir begini: karena gw special edition, gw pasti melakukan hal2 yang special pula, ya dong, masak special edition gak melakukan hal2 yang extraordinary excellent, pastinya kan orang yang sudah well-packaged can do any great things, ya gak? Trus mikir punya mikir, gw mengingat-ingat lagi hal2 yang udah gw lakuin, dari hal2 kecil, sampai hal2 besar, sampe hal2 yang pernah gw mikir utk lakukan tapi belum kesampaian, dan "utang-utang" gw sama orang lain. Kesimpulannya dari pemikiran singkat itu: "busyet" banyak banget yah hal2 yang udah gw lakukan, sedikit bersyukur, karena sebagian udah gw selesaikan dengan baik dan sedikit merasa jadi 'buronan' karena masih ada hal2 kecil yang belum gw selesaikan dengan baik (langsung dibereskan hari itu juga, salam buat ibu Becky yg terus mengejar saya untuk nagih absensi bulan maret, jangan kapok ya bu! huehehehee).
Kembali ke khotbah Ps. Jeffrey, membahas mengenai kunjungan Ratu Syeba ke kerajaannya Salomo (1 Raja-Raja 10 : 1 - 13) disini diceritakan kalo Ratu Syeba sampai tercengang - cengang melihat bagaimana Salomo begitu excel nya dalam mengurus kerajaannya, sampai2 dia bilang apa yang dia lihat dengan mata kepalanya sendiri, melebihi expectation dia ... Nah, itulah yang namanya Excellent! "Excellent is exceeding the expectation of others". Buat Salomo (yang menurut gw salah satu orang terkeren yang pernah hidup) excellent is a habit, dia selalu memberikan yang terbaik buat Tuhan, gak tanggung - tanggung man! hebat gak tuh! Coba kita pikirkan, dalam hidup kita: untuk melakukan hal yang excellent, butuh perjuangan dan seringkali banyak hambatan yang berakhir dengan keluhan dan kita stop doing it! alias nyerah tengah jalan dan hasilnya kita kompromi dengan yang namanya "biasa - biasa aja yang penting beres!" buat gw pribadi, sering juga nyerah tengah jalan, dan seringkali hebatnya kita selalu punya beribu alasan untuk membenarkan hal itu, untuk kompromi dengan yang biasa - biasa aja, bener gak kawan-kawan? (^o^)/
Denger kata "Excellent" seringkali gw pikir, mungkin gak sih? kayaknya impossible deh untuk hidup tanpa cela! Nah kalo udah ada pemikiran2 kayak gitu, sebaiknya kita stop it right away! karena alasan2 itu akan terus berkembang gak karuan dan menghambat diri lu untuk start doing excellent! Mulai aja dulu dari hal2 kecil, lakukan dengan sebaik mungkin ... kalo dari buku nya John Mason "You Can Do it, even if others say you can't", dia bilang gini: "Winning starts with beginning, you will never do great things, if you can't do small things in a great way!". Terakhir dari khotbah Ps. Jeffrey kemaren, dia bilang, ada hal-hal yang menghalangi excellence: 1. Kemalasan --> Amsal 12:27 2. Cepat puas, tidak mau repot, lumayan attitude 3. Broken Focus --> perhatian yang terpecah, melakukan banyak hal tapi setengah2
Well, at the end lakukanlah excellent dengan setia! Cos Excellent is an attitude, Excellent is a journey! Terakhir banget dari Sunday Service kemaren, diputerin video you tube nya Susan Boyle, salah satu peserta "Britain's Got Talent" yang membuat orang tercengang - cengang, sebagai contoh excellent, beyond other's expectation ... Susan Boyle menyanyikan lagu "I dreamed a dream" dari Les Miserables ...
Jakarta di pagi hari ... semua orang seperti berlari ... ingat-ingat hari ... busyet hari senin boo! huhuhu ... ingat-ingat kerjaan, apa yang belum selesai yah ... khawatir!!! By the way busway, tadi pagi memberanikan diri untuk foto busway ... hehe ... secara itu tempat tongkrongan tiap pagiiiiii ... Busway Karet jam 8 pagi, gw menunggu busway yg ke arah Blok M ... turun di Masjid Agung. Foto-2 itu pemandangan kalo lagi nunggu di pintu busway nya ... Nyampe kantor jam 8.29 hampir telat 1 menit lagi, yeyyy, serasa menang lombaaaaa! Morning everyone and have a nice monday!
Packaging redesign for Sun Fluor Bakery, the goal is to make the packaging more fun, not bored old style ... i love the smiley sun flower illustration ... cute!
This is my office desk at Chosen ... hihihihi ... Bunch of my cute handmade toys (My friend Rizal designed it), my starbucks glass from ci xtine, and my smiling yellow duck ... quack quack....
Salah satu project interior graphic, yg gw kerjakan di Metaphor... Yakoya Shabu - Shabu restaurant di Pondok Indah Jakarta ... One of my favourite work, that i've ever done in Metaphor... Tim interior designernya, Pak James Wijaya, Pak Anto, Pak Yayan. Yang gw kerjakan: graphic untuk area bar, graphic utk pintu2 kaca, serta kaca di fasade ... gambar yang gw dapet dari: --> yg bagian graphic bar...
You know you’re stunning
You’re absolutely stunning
And I’m running always running
And now I’m crying
It’s only cause I’m caring
And if you were more daring
Maybe you’d stop staring
And come over and talk to me
Tell me bout how you’ve been waiting so patiently
And how you tried but I just turned away
And I’ll say yeah well you know,
I’m shy that way
Shy that way
Maybe I’m shy that way
Ohh you know you’re stunning
You’re absolutely stunning
But you’re always runnin
But I’ll catch up to you
The way you keep your distance is
Keeping my interest
So I’ll keep it persistent
Ohh maybe someday
Someway, somehow in some town
We’ll get together and
We’ll break it down
And I’ll ask why you’ve been
so shy, gotta be that way
Maybe baby, oh love, I like it that way
Shy that way
You know I love you so shy,
Shy that way
So keep it comin comin comin comin
Shy that way
There’s always too much talking
And I wanna just keep walking
But I keep staring baby
Keep staring
Though I may not know the right things to say
I’ll get it out to you one day
I’m shy that way
You’re shy that way
Do you like it
Do you like it?
When I’m shy this way?
Yes I like it
Yes I like it
When you’re shy
Shy that way
I like it
I like it shy
You know it’s alright, it’s ok
Cause we’re
Shy that way…
Tgl 23 April 2008, di Date Karet gw pernah kebagian tugas sharing ... waktu itu kebetulan gw lagi seru-serunya baca buku 8th habit-nya Stephen R. Covey... dan gw semangat banget waktu diminta buat sharing... Judulnya What's Your Calling ... nah ini catatan sharing gw waktu itu...
Small question but change the way I think…
Hidup di dunia design, you always been measured, good or bad and it is not enough, and maybe until you die, there’s always judgement…
that’s why,
You have to think about this question, ‘just be you’, ‘look inside yourself’,
And ask, how good you want to be, ‘set your standard…
Kita punya kebebasan untuk memilih… tantangan mana yang perlu kita jawab…
Share story about my challenges…
My college story, lahir di keluarga mostly architects, really great in design…
But me… what am i? bisa gambar juga gak, keuangan lagi mampet, pokoknya waktu itu modal nekat yg buat gw akhirnya membuat keputusan: I choose and I respond it right…
Sehingga gw bisa menyelesaikan kuliah gw dengan baik dan really enjoy in graphic design world.
Every challenges is your chances, to discover your talents, so don’t limit yourself.
Everybody is wonderful, full of capacity, but the difference is some of us doesn’t have a chance to explore it, even doesn’t realize it. Muhammad Yunus.
Stephen R Covey, 8th Habit,
We all have birthgifts, that waiting to open.
Butuh inisiatif dari kita untuk mencari potensi kita, mungkin bisa datang dalam berbagai bentuk dan bahkan semuanya bisa jadi berhubungan (konfirmasi ke diri kita sendiri)
Ada hal yang menghalangi kita utk berkembang OUR FEAR.
Marianne Williamson – menggambarkan ketakutan kita terhadap kekuatan yang ada di dalam diri kita (potensi)
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? We are all meant to shine, We were born to manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we’re liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
Simply there’s only two ways to live a life, a very different like day and night road…
Mediocrity, jalan yang lebar, ikuti arus, and every kind of ways…
Follower…not inventor….
Lack of creativity inside of them, there’s no initiative to bring good in life, but just live by ego, and be victim of the ego…fragmented person.
Greatness, you found your voice, and live through it, and inspire others to find theirs…rise above negative influence… and become a whole person…
Analisa apakah kita mulai atau masih menapak ke arah "mediocrity"...
Analisa apakah kita sudah menapak ke arah "greatness" dalam hidup kita
Whole person concept… "Manusia yang utuh"
You have vision, which mean, you are able to describe your expectation… like building the house, there’s always sketch or blueprint, so you know what the house look like…
Vision talk about seeing the possible in impossible…
Discipline, paying the price to bring that vision into reality, you doing what it takes to make things happen… and you have to have great endurance.
Passion, the fire, the desire, the drive that keep you to achieve the vision
Conscience, suara hati, your sense of moral, about whats right and wrong in life,the guiding force to vision.
It’s the things that influence other people, make contribution to people, fruitful, and make changes… in a positive ways
Great Leaders in this world, you name it:
Martin Luther King Jr, Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela
Muhammad Yunus, Grameen Bank, and many many many others ...
The question is ARE YOU NEXT to be one of the greatest people on earth?